I’m a artist and designer living in Melbourne
I’m interested in socially conscious design and achieving positive social change through the use of digital technology. I’m trans and use she/her pronouns.
Recent Blog Posts
Ruby's Top 10 games of 2022
Monday, 19th of December 2022
A List of Ruby's favourite games
Better Digital Mapping
Wednesday, 17th of August 2022
The bread and butter of service design and other design thinking exercises is mapping systems of one form or another, but there hasn't been a digital tool for these quick mapping exercises that can match the speed and utility of post-its and butchers paper, I'm looking at ways to do this better
Trans Awareness Week 2021 My Experience
Friday, 19th of November 2021
It's Trans Awareness Week at the moment. Inspired by the words of other trans people who have written stuff this week (including the amazing Sandy O'Sullivan) and I wanted to write something to share in more detail some of my experiences.
Garden of Gender
"Marble et Moss" reimagines classic sculptures to reflect trans aesthetics, using a physarum simulation where moss symbolically grows over and transforms marble statues, challenging traditional beauty ideals.
Thou dost Bleed
"Thou Dost Bleed" is an interactive discursive work that aims to critique a focus on suffering as a key signifier of womanhood, in particular the pain of menstruation and childbirth. These signifiers have often been wielded against trans femme's identity by radical feminist groups, but also by centring these particular experiences as central to womanhood, the experiences of all trans people are minimised and erased.
Other things I work on in my spare time
Better Digital Mapping
Dynamic design mapping in 2022
The bread and butter of service design and other design thinking exercises is mapping systems of one form or another, but there hasn't been a digital tool for these quick mapping exercises that can match the speed and utility of post-its and butchers paper, I'm looking at ways to do this better
A Masquerade of One's Own Making
A smol video game about networking, identity and neurodiversity
A small little sandbox-y videogame project I've been thinking about themed around making friends and connections, and neurodiversity
Personal Music Rating tool
A web app fro rating music
A little web app I'm making to help sort out a list of music to create little "My favourite song by X artist" lists and the like