Ruby Quail Design

Service Industrial Interaction System
Portrait Photo of Ruby Quail with a pink tint applied

I’m a designer living in Melbourne

I’m interested in socially conscious design and achieving positive social change through the use of digital technology. I’m transgender and use she/her pronouns.


Better Digital MappingBetter Digital Mapping

Better Digital Mapping

The bread and butter of service design and other design thinking exercises is mapping systems of one form or another, but there hasn't been a digital tool for these quick mapping exercises that can match the speed and utility of post-its and butchers paper, I'm looking at ways to do this better

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A Masquerade of One's Own MakingA Masquerade of One's Own Making

A Masquerade of One's Own Making

A small little sandbox-y videogame project I've been thinking about themed around making friends and connections, and neurodiversity

Personal Music Rating toolPersonal Music Rating tool

Personal Music Rating tool

A little web app I'm making to help sort out a list of music to create little "My favourite song by X artist" lists and the like